Summer 2014 “Talking The Talk”

Terry Franzén will participate in a round table discussion on Litigation Trends at the Mountain States Justice Annual Conference  in Lewisburg, WV in July.  In October, Terry will speak on Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement at ABA’s National Institute in Baltimore.  Terry will also speak on Litigation Issues Arising in Real Estate Transactions and on Ethical Considerations in Real Estate Litigation at NBI’s Real Estate Litigation conference in Atlanta in December.

Loretta Salzano will discuss JVs and marketing agreements at MBA’s Independent Mortgage Bankers Network webcast  in August  and Dixieland Title Association in New Orleans in September.  Also in September, Loretta will speak at the Tennessee Governor’s Housing Summit in Nashville, MBA’s Risk Management and Quality Assurance Conference in Miami, RESPRO’s 2014 Regulatory Seminar in Denver and MBA’s Regulatory Compliance Conference in D.C.  Loretta has been invited to speak at ALTA’s annual convention in Seattle in October.  Loretta will also address “Best Practices” for NAPMW in January. 

Posted in "Talking The Talk"/Conferences, Newsletters


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